Our Graduates

2024 Graduates

The first letter of acceptance was received in December 2023. All of our Grade 12’s received multiple letters of acceptance and were able to pick their first choice post-secondary program and university.

Sara : attending the University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Family Medicine, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Fynn : attending the University of Waterloo – Public Health Degree

Evan : attending Wilfrid Laurer University – Bachelor of Education (BEd)

Cam : attending Wilfrid Laurer University – Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Chris : attending the Ontario Institute of Audio Recording Technology – Audio Engineering & Music Production Degree

Talia : attending Conestoga College – Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Degree

Logan : attending Conestoga College – Television & Independent Production Degree

Stanley : attending McMaster University – Automotive & Vehicle Engineering Technology Degree, Co-op (B.Tech)

Finley : attending Georgian College – Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship

Zaara : attending Conestoga College – Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSc.Nursing)

Mireille : attending the University of Waterloo – Communication & Media Studies Degree

Khyll : attending Conestoga College – Business Administration & International Business Management Degree

Braddon : accepted into Conestoga College – Media Arts Degree. Deferred for one year to pursue Acting and Arts

Brad : entering the Ontario Provincial Police

Tyson : attending Conestoga College – Mechanical Engineering Degree

Angel : attending the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Commerce – Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

Ava : attending McMaster University – Honours Kinesiology

Nick : attending Wilfrid Laurer University – Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – $3,000 Scholarship

Skyler : attending Wilfrid Laurer University – Honours Arts – Philosophy

Hannah : attending Wilfrid Laurer University – Kinesiology (BKin)


2023 Graduates

The first letter of acceptance received by a SJSH Grade 12 student was received on January 17, 2023. All of the SJSH’s Grade 12’s have received at least one letter of acceptance by February 1, 2023.

Charlesaccepted to Laurier (Honours Arts); Trent (BBA, Communications Business, BBA comm option); York (Business Economics); Windsor (BBA); Brock (BBA)

Vannaccepted to Trent (Law LLB Political Studies, Law LLB Media Studies; Law LLB BBA); St. Jerome’s (Honours Arts Co-op & Regular); Waterloo (Honours Arts co-op & regular)

IrisQueens (Social Science); Waterloo (Political Science); Ottawa (Political Science); Western (Political Science)

Sierra – Guelph (Criminology); Waterloo (Kinesiology, Legal Studies); Laurier (Criminology)

TudorWaterloo (Physics); Carleton (Aerospace Engineering); Ottawa (Computer Tech, Mechanical Engineering); TMU (Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering)

SunnyOntario Tech (Computer Science)

AaronTrent (Mediterranean Archeology, Windsor (Anthropology); LakeHead (Archeology)

Alex – Ottawa University (French Immersion Psychology; BA French Second Language; BA
Interdisciplinary Studies); Wilfrid Laurier University (BA with French Option); Trent University (BBA with co-op)  

2022 Graduates

The first letter of acceptance received by a SJSH Grade 12 students was received on January 8, 2021.

Brianna A – accepted to Wilfrid Laurier University in Health Sciences

Rachel H
– accepted in Brock University for Medical Sciences 

Dakota B – accepted in the University of Toronto for Architecture 

Chase P – accepted in McMaster University for Automation Engineering Technology with a $2000 entrance Bursary

Holly B – accepted in Guelph-Humber University, Trent University, and Wilfrid Laurier University for Kinesiology – also accepted in Conestoga College, Fanshawe College, and Sheridan College for Kinesiology

Ishmeet G – accepted in Wilfrid Laurier University for both the BBA program and the BA in Economics

Hannah G – accepted in Wilfrid Laurier University for Honours Political Science

Sameer A – accepted in Trent University and Lakehead University for Life Sciences & Forensics

James R – accepted in Trent University

2021 Graduates

The first letter of acceptance received by a SJSH Grade 12 student was received on November 26, 2019. By the middle of February 2020, all SJSH’s Grade 12 students had received at least one letter of acceptance. All SJSH’s 2020 Grads earned Ontario Scholar. 

Makenna L – University of Trent for Human Resource Management; York University – Bachelor of Human Resource Management; University of Toronto – Social Sciences; Ryerson University – Business Management; and University of Guelph-Humber – Honours Bachelor of Business Administration 

Haleigh R – University of Ottawa with guaranteed residence and $4000 scholarship (personally invited by the Dean of Engineering and offered an additional $10,000 scholarship): Queen’s University also with guaranteed residence and $4000 scholarship; University of McMaster for Life Science and Pre-Med Science; University of Toronto Life Sciences; University of Waterloo for Nanotechnology Engineering 

Sneha S – University of Waterloo for Honours Arts; Wilfrid Laurier University for Honours Arts; University of Ottawa for Political Science and Conflict Studies/Human Rights French Immersion; and University of Ottawa for Honours Bachelor of International Studies and Modern Languages French Immersion.

Simon G – Crowder College in the United States for General Science with a 75% Scholarship of total costs (including board and food)

Samantha G – Wilfrid Laurier in Psychology with $1000 Scholarship; Conestoga College for Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development (Honours); and Conestoga College for Early Childhood Education and Educational Support; University of Waterloo and St. Jerome University for the Honours Arts (Co-op) Program with a $1,000 bursary at both universities

Kent K – Conestoga College for Pre-Media Program; Fanshawe College for Pre-Media Program

Austin G – Conestoga College for Bachelor of International Business; Fanshawe College for Business Management; Conestoga College for Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Business Management; and Mohawk College for Bachelor of Business Administration

Noor F – Double Degree (Math and Business) at Wilfrid Laurier and University of Waterloo with a $5000 scholarship; Carleton University for the Co-op program of Aerospace Engineering with a $16,000 entrance scholarship in addition to guaranteed residence

Alex C – University of Toronto for Physical and Mathematical Sciences; McMaster University for Mathematics and Statistics Gateway; and Queens University for Science

Ana R:  Wilfrid Laurier University for Law degree; LLB at University of Sussex, United Kingdom; Arts Degree BA Criminology at Branford University; Wilfrid Laurier University for Psychology; Brock University for Honours Bachelor of Neuroscience; Trent University for Health Sciences specialization; Carleton University for Honours Cognitive Science; Laurentian University for Criminology, Business Administration-Accounting, and Behavioural Neuroscience; and University of Windsor for Human Kinetics; University of Waterloo for Public Health and Environmental Science, both of which are Co-Op programs.   

Alex P: Wilfrid Laurier University for Economics

Ishaan D: Wilfrid Laurier University for Biotechnology; Computer Science/Physics 

Aidan T: Laurentian University for Honours Arts

Ahmad: University of Waterloo for Kinesiology; Health Studies Co-op; and Honours
Arts Co-op

Ben W: University of Waterloo for Kinesiology; Brock University for Health Sciences; Trent for Kinesiology and Bio-Medical Professional Stream; and Mc Master for Health Sciences.

2020 Graduates

All graduates received acceptances into all program choices by the beginning of March 2019. Listed below is where they chose to attend.

Jasmine B      – McMaster University for Life Sciences –  Class Valedictorian

Meghan V      – Western University – Law – $14,000 scholarship

Victoria C       – Conestoga Polytechnic – Nursing

Eric P              – University of Waterloo – Knowledge Integration

Roz M             – McMaster University – Life Sciences

Brennan T      – McGill University – English and Pre-Education

Gavin L           – Laurentian University – Business

Lucas Z           – University of Guelph – Engineering – $6000 scholarship

Christopher Z – University of Ottawa – Engineering

Michelle Y       – University of Waterloo -Music

Autumn W      – University of Guelph/Humber – Media Communications

Kevin H           – Algonquin College – Paramedics

Abdullah E.     – Concordia University

Oli G                 – University of Wilfrid Laurier – Linguistics

Evie P               – Western University – Psychology

Jasdeep S        – University of Wilfrid Laurier – Legal Studies

Zoha S              – McMaster University – Psychology

Matthew C       – University of Waterloo -Aviation

2019 Graduates

Karnvir C      – University of Waterloo – Accounting and Financial Management – Class Valedictorian

Gurshawn B – University of Waterloo – Accounting and Financial Management

Ayham B       – University of Waterloo -Accounting and Financial Management

Kyle D            – Entered the workforce

Madison H    – McMaster University – Life Sciences

Sakatay M     – Lakehead University -Linguistics

Abhishek S    – University of Waterloo -Accounting and Financial Management

Saja T             – University of Ottawa – Legal Studies